Great Credit: What is the Meaning of Great Credit ?

Hello friends, if you want to know about great credit, then you have come to the right post, here we will give you information related to credit because there is an introduction, after that what is a great credit score and what are its advantages and disadvantages We will tell you all this in this post or in the coming post or maybe if you are reading this post then maybe we have put that post and you can go to that post…

What is the Great Credit? | Introduction of Great Credit

When Robert Kiyosaki failed an English class in high school, his Rich Dad

reminded him that his banker had never asked for his report card. His point

wasn’t that education is not important, but that your grades in school won’t

determine how much wealth you build over your lifetime.

There is a report card, though, that’s much more important to your financial

life than the one you receive in school. And that’s your credit report. Instead of “A”s

or “D”s, your grade on that credit report will be a number: your credit score.


Your credit reports and scores play a strong role in:

  • How much do you pay for credit cards, mortgages, auto loans, and even some

business loans?

  • Whether you’re able to borrow (hopefully for good debt) when you need to.
  • The rates you pay for your auto or homeowner’s insurance.
  • How easy it is to get utility services, cell phone accounts, and many other


In this article and the next two, I am going to explain how credit reports and

credit scores work, your rights, and most importantly how to maximize your

credit to get the best deals.

If you have “bad” credit, don’t get discouraged. Credit winners won’t use

bad credit as an excuse to avoid moving forward with their wealth-building

efforts and neither should you. You can get to work improving it as soon as

you’ve read this post. In the meantime, you may just have to be a little more


If you want to buy real estate, for example, you can look for “hard money”

loans, where the value of the property is what matters, not your credit. If you are

starting a business, you can search out partners or shoestring it while you

improve your credit. In other words, work on your credit, but don’t let your

credit stop you from reaching your goals.

Also, think for yourself, and don’t be swayed by fair-weather friends…

When Charity Borders Insanity

Donna was everyone’s friend. She was the one who could be counted on to help

a friend in need, be it moving into a new place, a late-night trip to the emergency

room, or lending a few dollars here and there until payday.

Donna valued her circle of friends. They were very important to her. She

wasn’t married and didn’t have any family in the area. She enjoyed their

company and believed that they enjoyed hers.

Donna did the posts for a painting contractor. She was saving every month

towards buying a house. She wanted her own cozy little home in the worst way.

She wasn’t sure she would ever get married and wanted at least the security of a

place to call her own.

Then Lars came to work in the business. He was a tall, distinguished-looking

man in his late 40’s. He was hired as a business development executive for the

contractor owners, who wanted to line up more jobs with government agencies

and larger businesses. Lars was a good salesman and he took a liking to Donna.

She enjoyed the attention.


One evening over dinner, Lars asked Donna if he could discuss a car problem

he was having. Always ready to lend an ear and help wherever needed, Donna

insisted that he discuss the problem.

Lars explained that he was looking to purchase a new Dodge Durango. It

would help him in the business, but he was stuck on the financing. His ex-wife

had run up a large number of bills on a joint credit card and the credit card

company was coming after him for her shopping sprees. In order to finance the

car, he needed to have a co-signer involved, due to his suddenly poor credit

score. Lars wondered whom Donna might suggest.

Ever the friend, Donna indicated that she could co-sign. She did the posts

and knew how much Lars was earning. There could never be a problem with him

paying a $300-per-month car payment.

Lars insisted that he was not asking Donna to sign, he was merely inquiring

as to whom she thought he should ask to co-sign. Donna then insisted that Lars

look no further. She thought she should co-sign. She was willing to help Lars

because she trusted him and she prided herself on helping her friends in need.

Lars was very appreciative. The next day after work they went to the

dealership and signed the papers for the new Dodge Durango. As Donna was

sitting down to sign, the credit manager asked her if she understood the

consequences of what she was signing. He explained that if Lars didn’t make the

payments for any reason Donna would become responsible for them. Donna

acknowledged this as she co-signed for the Durango. She knew Lars’ character and income. There wouldn’t be a problem.

Lars drove the truck off the lot. Donna followed in her car. They went to the

nicest restaurant in town to celebrate. When Lars tried to pay for the meal on his

credit card, it was rejected. He grumbled again at his ex-wife’s profligate ways

as Donna paid for dinner.

In the next few weeks, Lars seemed to drift away from Donna. He wasn’t as

attentive or flirtatious. She thought it was due to the increased pressures of the

job. With the new Durango, he was probably making a better impression and

thus was even busier. Donna didn’t worry about it too much, although she did

miss the attention.

Then, one Monday, Lars failed to come to work. Everyone thought he was

sick. One of the painters joked that he probably had the “bourbon flu,” since he

had seen Lars drinking heavily on Saturday night.

Tuesday, Wednesday … still no Lars. No calls to him were answered, so on

Thursday one of the owners went over to Lars’ apartment. The manager said he

had cleared out late Saturday night without notice. Monies were owed, and if

Lars was found the building manager wanted notice of his whereabouts. On

Friday, Donna got a call from the auto-finance company. Lars had missed his

first payment on the Durango. They wanted her to cover it the next day.

Donna was shocked and dismayed. She had tried to help a friend. How could

this happen? She made the first payment, hoping that Lars would turn up or call,

or somehow take responsibility for the remaining payments.

Two months and two payments later, Donna got her answer. The Durango

was found, totaled, in a ditch, a thousand miles away. Lars was in jail for driving

under the influence and vehicular manslaughter. He claimed he didn’t

remember a thing.

Lars had also let his insurance lapse. He had no money. Pursuant to the co-

the signed agreement, the auto-finance company sought payment for the entire

vehicle and other costs from Donna. They demanded tens of thousands of dollars

from her immediately.

Donna had to go deep into debt to pay off the Durango. In all, she lost her

nest egg and savings for her long-awaited home purchase. Her credit score was

so negatively affected she had to put off buying a home for what seemed like an



What is Experian Credit Score?
The Experian Credit Information Report, also known as “Experian CIR”, gives a record of your credit history i.e. details of your past loans and credit cards that you have applied for, availed, and repaid.

What should be the CIBIL score for a credit card?
what is the correct score?

The CIBIL score is calculated between 300 to 900 marks. In this at least your score should be more than 750. If you score less than this, you can get into trouble. A score over 800 is considered good

What to do to increase your credit score?

  • Steps to fix CIBIL Score-
  • Pay the dues on the due date…
  • Pay your credit card bills on time…
  • Don’t let the credit rating get bad…
  • Been checking CIBIL’s credit score throughout the year…
  • Check your credit report…
  • Reduce your credit card dues…
  • fix credit score mistakes

In how many days does the CIBIL score update?
This way we can know that, if you have done any credit transaction today, it takes 45 days to get updated. Now we can say that the CIBIL score is updated after 45 days. Apart from this, if the bank sends its report late, it may take 45 to 60 days for the CIBIL score to be updated.

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